Shepherds Cut Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms


Sheperds Cut Penis Envy Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis, Sheps Cut Penis Envy) is a new strain of the popular Penis Envy strain isolated by Myco Shepherd, a novice mycologist. There isn’t much information about Myco Shepherd or his location, but we’re guessing he’s based in the Kootenays, British Columbia. We discovered snippets of his or her existence on the internet.

The Sheps Cut Penis Envy shroom is distinguished by its rapid colonization and attractive mycelium. It features a broad, colorless stem and a rounded cap that frequently does not fully open, just like the regular Penis Envy strain. Amazing mycelial patterns can be found under the cap of the Shepherds Cut shroom. This Penis Envy isolate appears to grow faster while preserving the original Penis Envy qualities.

As with the classic Penis Envy strain, expect strong potency. We do not advocate this for first-timers, and if you do want to attempt it as a beginner, please start slowly and gradually. Our team reports a mid to high bodily high and feelings of connecting with your spiritual side. This strain can also be taken in a group, however for self-exploration, taking it alone without any social elements may be preferable.

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